
You gonna eat that? Part 5

May 13, 2009

For the fifth and possibly final installment of the You gonna eat that? series (I don’t know if I can top this one) and the first entry in almost 2 years (sorry about that folks), I’m turning to the mother of all weird food sites. Fasten those seat belts and break out the antacid, people.

This is why you’re fat.

This site has gotten a lot of coverage as of late, but I just can’t resist throwing in my $0.02. It’s a blog consisting of photos of various bizzare, often disgusting and in some cases possibly fatally gluttonous culinary concoctions. Some of them (like the Bacon Cheese Pizza Burger) scare me. Some (like the Junkyard Dog) kinda make me wish I still ate meat and, unfortunately, too many contain blood sausage/black pudding which, I’m convinced, is evidence for the existence of vampires. (who else would cook and eat blood)

Basically, it’s the culinary equivalent of really freaky porn. You know … the sort of stuff that you would never actually do and don’t even really think that you’re into, but for some reason you just can’t bring yourself to look away. Bon Appétit.



Til next time

October 9, 2007

For no particular reason, I’ve decided to take the week off, but, because I can’t leave you empty handed, here’s a site with lots of amusing, random weirdness. (apparently I’m also going for the world’s record for most commas used in a single run on sentence)


Room for one

October 2, 2007

It’s interesting how that which is most important can often be most overlooked. Unfortunately, the most vital room in any structure is usually the least considered. Of course, they can be well decorated, but they’re invariably utilitarian and rarely talked about. Well, I’m here to change all that. Yes, this week it’s all about the good ol’ WC.

Americas Best Restroom
Here’s a site that not only lists the best restrooms in the US, but even presents them with an award (one has to wonder about the criteria). They even have a Hall of Fame (my personal favorite is Fandangles in Flushing, MI). I wonder if there’s a mobile version of this site. It would be a great site to have on hand while traveling. Of course, you could always plan your next vacation around it and see them all.

Weird Toilets Urinals and Sinks from Around the World
Now, here are some folks who took the utilitarian design that plagues most restrooms and really threw it out the window (or perhaps flushed it down the drain). This site features a fascinating collection of bathroom … fixtures. Some are very creative (I love the throne), many are utterly tasteless (would you expect any less?) and the rest are just bizarre (a tuba??). They are all, however, conversation pieces and are dutifully doing their part to bring more attention to that most important of rooms.


Random Weirdness Generator

September 25, 2007

Due to an egregious lack of preparedness (damn you Blizzard!) I’m forced to go themeless this week and present a random smattering of web weirdness. Fruit protection, famously bad skin and literary overindulgence … this week on The World Weird Web.

Banana Guard
Have you ever accidentally damaged your banana? No, this is not some kind of euphemism, I’m actually referring to the fruit. Have you ever had a banana on your person and accidentally damaged it in some way? Neither have I, but apparently the creator of this product has and it became such a problem that they invented a plastic carrying case solely for the purpose of banana protection. Of course, it could be used to hold other things. Personally, I think it would make a great casing for a Banana Phone (and now it’s stuck in your head too)

No, contrary to the implication of the url, this is not an adult site. It is in fact a site devoted to dermatology in the cinema. Yes, that’s right, skin conditions on film (you might want to hold off on the popcorn). In addition to a look at how realistically these conditions are portrayed and a very salient observation about movie heroes and villains, it also chronicles the real life complexions of various actors (you’ll never look at your favorite movie star the same again). They even have their own awards … The Skinnies (yes, I’m sure it isn’t an adult site)

Modern Drunkard Magazine

If you’ve ever been severely intoxicated and wished that someone would create a magazine for people just like you … well, your wish has now come true. Featuring articles on such diverse topics as how to survive after hours parties and “The booze-fueled films of W.C. Fields”, Modern Drunkard claims that they have been “Standing Up For Your Right to Get Falling Down Drunk Since 1996”. There’s only one little tiny problem, you’ll have to be able to see straight in order to read it.

Yes, I know that the banner with the name of the site has been missing since last week. I don’t know what happened to it, but I’ve tried to replace it to no avail. If anyone knows how to fix this problem, please let me know and if I’m the only one not seeing it, please disregard this.


One weird to rule them all

September 18, 2007

Conventional wisdom says that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, but I think it might be a little too late for these folks. This week’s sites prove that everybody really does want to rule the world.

Zod 2008
“Kneel before Zod!”. We all remember that classic line from the evil General Zod, played brilliantly by Terence Stamp in 1980’s Superman II. There are some who would like to see that become a reality (I guess they really really like Terence Stamp). The creators of this site are planning to run General Zod for President of the U.S. next year (I presume Lex Luthor would be his running mate). I wonder if they realize that he’s a fictional character. Well, I guess he couldn’t be much worse than the current administration.

Canadian World Domination!
Canada has made many wonderful contributions to the world … hockey, Rush (my favorite band), SCTV, the word eh. Unfortunately, despite all that, a lot of people still see them as America’s little brother. Ok, granted there is that whole Quebec thing, but how long are we going to hold that against them? Well, here’s a group that wants to change all that … by any means necessary and very politely.


I got a weird feeling about this.

September 11, 2007

A long time ago on a website far far away.

It was a time of great absurdity on the world weird web. Web designers with strange and hilarious perspectives on the greatest movie series ever made have managed to erect increasingly bizarre tributes to them. Pursued by a looming deadline, one blogger races to showcase some of the best (or is that worst?) of them

Pimp My Vader

This site appears to be in Russian, so I have no idea what it actually says (don’t worry, there are lots of pictures), so I’m calling it Pimp My Vader. Apparently, someone somewhere (probably Japan) had some kind of exhibit or contest or something that involved painting and/or otherwise modifying Darth Vader helmets. Some of them are very nicely done, some of them are … modern art and there are even a few that would have been interesting to see in the movies. My personal favorites are Clown Vader, Antler Vader and The UniVader.

Star Wars Origami

What happens when you combine the greatest movies ever made with an ancient Japanese art form? No, not Sarlacc fugu … not Ewok geishas … not even water vaporator haiku, but Star Wars origami. The X-Wings actually aren’t bad.

Star Wars in 30 seconds, re-enacted by bunnies

A shorter and fluffier version for people with short attention spans who like bunnies. (I know there are a few of you out there … perverts)

Star Wars Asciimation

A version suitable for monitors made before 1987. (I know there are a few of you out there … perverts)

The Star Wars Last Supper

George Lucas meets Leonardo da Vinci in a dark corner of the Mos Eisley Cantina and they create this … perverts.


Forget The Max Rebo Band, forget Figrin D’an and The Modal Nodes … this is the greatest band in Star Wars history. Only one word can sum up this image … Awesome.

Chad Vader

Of course, I would be sadly remiss if I didn’t include Chad Vader. It’s a series of shorts about Darth Vader’s younger brother Chad who manages a grocery store. Part 1 of 8.

Chocolate Rain by Chad Vader

And finally (whew!) Chad Vader doing his own version of Chocolate Rain.


See you next Tuesday

September 4, 2007

Sorry, couldn’t resist the title. Since yesterday was Labor Day here in the US, I’ll be taking this week off (yes, it’s just an excuse). However, I didn’t want to leave you all empty handed, so here are some intriguing finds from StrangeMall.

Gold Cassette Belt Buckle
Butt For You
Logo Imprinted Walnuts
Edible hepatitis C chocolates
The 2007 Men of Mortuaries Calendar

See you next … week. 😛


A bit of the old ultra-weirdness

August 28, 2007

Now, while most of the good ol’ w3 is funny (ok, it’s all funny) or shocking (one word … Japan) or just down right psychologically scarring (I bet you’ll never watch Peter Pan the same way again), it’s not without it’s dark side. This week, it’s all about the more … aggressive side of the World Weird Web.

Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer?

You know how whenever they interview the neighbors of a serial killer, they all say that he was such a quiet guy and he seemed so nice? Well, apparently he also looked like a bit of a geek. Are serial killers latent computational geniuses or are programmers really really disgruntled? You be the judge.

Nuke The Hamptons

Let’s face it, unless you are rich, on some level, you probably harbor some pent up resentment toward the rich. I mean, come on … not only can they get whatever they want, but they can get away with anything they want as well. In fact, most of them just don’t think that societies rules apply to them. Don’t you wish that you could live like that? Well, you can’t … at least not yet. However, now you can take out some of that suppressed aggression in a nice, safe, virtual way without the hassle of all of those blood stains and criminal charges. Warning: Playing Nuke The Hamptons might be a little disturbing if you actually live in The Hamptons.

Apologies for the lateness of this week’s update. Debilitating addiction thy name is WoW


You gonna eat that? Part 4

August 21, 2007

This week, we not only return to our look at weird food, but also to two particular foods that have been previously mentioned. These sites, however, take them to new and uncharted highs (or maybe lows). Enjoy.

Bringing Home the Bacon

Who doesn’t love bacon? Hell, I’ve been a vegetarian for 10 years and I still think of it fondly. Ok, granted, the guy who created bacon cereal could probably live without it for the foreseeable future, but everyone that I’ve ever met recognizes it for the culinary miracle that it undoubtedly is. That having been said, the makers of the products covered on this site may have taken it a bit too far. Welcome to the world of bacon mints, bacon beer, bacon ice cream and many more. Please be sure to have the antacid of your choice at the ready.

The World’s Largest Gummi Bears

We’ve all enjoyed Gummi Bears. Whether it’s been eating them, admiring their bright and cheerful colors or just seeing them posed in bizarre and disturbingly intriguing sexual positions. However, this site brings it to a new level. They are selling Gummi Bears that are over one thousand (yes, three zeros) larger than normal ones. Now, while I’m sure that they taste fine, I have no idea how one would eat such a thing. I, for one, don’t particularly enjoy having my jaw fused shut for extended periods of time, but to each his own. I just hope that whoever is buying them has their dentist on speed dial.

Just one more quick note. I’ve recently decided to drink the Kool-Aid and start playing World of Warcraft (or Warcrack as I like to think of it). If you find yourself in Aggramar and happen upon a bald, gnome mage named Joshu with a big gray beard and a penchant for table dancing, say hi and I’ll get you a cup of tea (10 points to anyone who gets the reference).


What did you call me?

August 14, 2007

Shakespeare once asked ‘what’s in a name?’. Now, while I’m sure that a rose would still smell the same no matter what you called it, a change in names would definitely make the things mentioned on this week’s sites a lot less interesting. That’s right, this week it’s all about funny names.

Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names

Scientists often get a bad reputation (and not in a fun way). Most people think that they’re boring, uncreative, predictable and that they just don’t know how to have a good time (must be the pocket protectors). However, just because their job requires them to be really, really precise (have you ever measured anything in nanometers?) doesn’t mean that they can’t let their hair down from time to time. After all, could anyone who was that uninteresting come up with names like arsole, crapinon and cummingtonite? I think not.


Kind of like StumbleUpon, but instead of being directed to a random site that one of the users finds interesting, clinking the link on this site will direct you to a random site that the creators of the site think has a funny name (now that’s what I call a run on sentence). So far I’ve been taken to chickencrap.com, spellingcow.com and famouscrayonartist.com (and a few with normal names … apparently the system needs some tweaks). I have no idea what these sites are about (or why anyone would pay for those names), but does it really matter? I have a feeling I’ll be mining quite a few future entries from this one.


And now for the ‘and the rest’ portion of the program. People, places, things and bands all with funny names. Wouldn’t you like to meet a person named Dick Fitzwell? Or, go to a place called Embarrass, Wisconsin? Or, see a yoddle (whatever that is)? Or, listen to Iowa Beef Experience? Well, ok, maybe you wouldn’t, but you can still go to this site and have hours of fun laughing at their names.